An Epic Battle and a Hot Prince

Morning in the tavern, wenches start taking orders for breakfast. Thorkatla pays for our groups breakfast. Pijack says that going unnoticed is just a benefit of being a halfling. He says he is accepted by most everyone except his family who didn’t like that he...

Holed up in Tarentol

As a group, we agreed to accept the DM’s offer and retconned the attack from Skeld on Prince Burr. We told the Prince to go ahead and we would follow. Prince took off toward the southwest. We went toward the east, continuing to cover our tracks. Scout from the...

Hounded by Wolves

Skeld found one of the group alive and tried to get info from him. Learned that there are others after us tonight (sounds like many others) We buried 12 of the men and set up the other 7 to look like it’s us sleeping and continued heading east. Set up another...

Backstory Prior to Notes

Unfortunately I did not start taking detailed notes from day 1 so this synopsis is a general recollection from the events prior to the point where I stopped being lazy! (I’ll see if I can butter up the DM to share his notes to flesh these out.)