A rescue and a look into the void

At the start of the night, Skeld woke up in the wagon and was tightly bound and gagged. Pijack noticed he was awake and said that he was the first one awake. He told Skeld that we were unlucky because he wasn’t up here looking for us, he was hunting the Elven...

A Silk Witch and a Betrayal

We reconvene on the aftermath of last session’s battle. Zanvyn and Hurld (one of the other casters that was being trained) were both hit by the acid. Hurld died, but Zanvin might be alive, he dived into the water as soon as he got hit by the acid. Mollie’s...
Back to the Boar

Back to the Boar

Crown Prince Aldorf walked into Tarentol with a bodyguard to talk to the Drott. We stayed at the guard house to talk to Eirikr. Balian offered if anyone wanted to wear his armor, he didn’t think he wanted to wear it as it made him feel more vulnerable. Bronin is...