We gathered up as much of the armor and weapons as we could.
There was a key to the chest on the pedestal where the book was. Sigurd opened the chest and found:
- 3 elegant but small, glass vials with a sparkly green liquid – Potion of the student (Gives user access to all abilities in their chosen class path for 1 hour)
- a strong but plain length of iron chain – Chains of the Strangler (Gloves) – Strong, but plain iron chain that tightens itself slightly when wrapped around the thumb, palm, and wrists. +2 damage to enemies within 10 ft. -5 damage to enemies beyond 10 ft. (Penalty is applied at the start of the day and lasts all day. Benefit lasts while the gloves are worn.)
- an ornate band of decorated silver with two faces staring at each other at the top of a ring with an arcing array of sapphires – Ring of Mana Ward – An ornate band of decorated silver with two, carved, angry faces staring at each other on the top, and an arcing array of tiny sapphires between them. At the end of a long rest, you may give up a spell slot. Your maximum hitpoints are increased by 4 for each level of the spell slot until your next long rest.
- an earring (polished bronze spider amidst a weblike array of dangling silver prongs) – Traplayer’s Web (Earring) – A polished bronze spider sits amidst a web-like array of dangling silver prongs. You may choose to delay the effects of spells you cast that have a duration of instantaneous. These spells may be delayed by a number of rounds up to a maximum of ten, chosen by you when you cast them.
- a large shield (not completely unlike the ones the killed creatures were holding) a reinforced blue tinged dragon protecting a single tower – Bastion of the Spirelord (+1 Shield) – A reinforced, blue-tinged steel shield with the image of a great blue dragon wrapped around, and protecting, a lone, stone watchtower on the front. Any time you or an ally within 15 ft. or you is forcibly moved, you may prevent or reduce that forced movement. For each 5 ft. of forced movement you prevent, you take 2 damage.
- a large smooth and polished gemstone carved into the shape of a realistic looking bird whose outstretched talons are perfectly shaped to be perched on a shoulder (Lazulian Raven – A smooth and polished gemstone, carved into a realistic looking bird whose outstretched talons are perfectly shaped to perch on a shoulder. As an action, you may send the Raven to perch on the shoulders of a willing creature within a mile. The raven flies at 60 ft./rnd. Once perched there, you and that creature’s skills (total values, proficiencies, and expertises) are switched for as long as the Raven stays there and that creature remains conscious. You may call the Raven back as a bonus action. )
- a simple onyx ring that reflects no light except for an inscription carved in silver in the center – A Hole in the World (ring) – A simple, onyx ring that reflects no light, save for the polished, silver lettering in an unknown language on the inner surface. Dimension Door, as per the spell. 10 charges.
- Dragonborn Orb – Skeld does not get a full description of what this is upon identifying, but he can tell that it is laced with a spell (teleport circle) and the source of this spell is not here.
- Book – Written in an entirely different language, and does not identify as magical. Bronin thinks he recognizes the writing as the same type that was on Balian’s ring.
- The rest of the weapons, shields, and armor (5 sets) are not magical in nature.
Stonecraw said this was all of the Cobalt Crusade that they were aware of.
Skeld sent a message to the Jarl about our status and all the items we had as we could not carry all the supplies back to camp by ourselves.
“defeated the Cobalt Crusade. Day and a half travel North/ North east of grove. Have many items of value. Need transport Southeast of lake”
He then took the time to identify all the items.
Balian will take the Chains of the Strangler.
Sigurd will take the Bastion of the Spirelord.
Skeld will take the Ring of Mana Ward.
Thorkatla will take the Lazulian Raven and the Hole in the World.
Erfidi will take the Traplayer’s Web
Bronin will take the book.
Erfidi used move earth to dig a 10 foot deep hole to drop the Orb into and left a column in its place so that we would know where it was later. We were worried that the teleport spell on it could be used to bring others to us if we took it with us.
Jarl Agatha sent back “Skeld. I am sending assistance. Is anyone dead? Are the Korsca going to return to their home? Do you know if there will be any.“
We set up Skeld’s tent a little away from the camp and rested for the night.
We woke up about noon the next day and there didn’t seem to be anything around.
Sigurd asked Stonecraw what he was going to do next and whether he needed him and he said he needed to go find the rest of the Korsca.
Before he left he said that the Korsca and men were friends and Erfidi told him to remember that it is just the Boar clan, those people that have purple bands on their arms, that he can trust are friends.
He limped away and disappeared into the lake.
While Skeld was preparing a message to the Jarl and waiting for a response, the rest of us started bundling up loose items, including armor, weapons, shields, food and water, supplies, into the tarps and stacking them with the crates, ready to be taken back to Greenmoot.
Skeld sent to the Jarl, “Only 25 words per message. Should we wait here? Or start heading back with what we can carry? there are trees nearby.“
The Jarl sent back, “Stay there. Help is almost there. Does it have to be twenty five words because I don’t think i need that many for the spell.“
Bronin went to go sketch the Godsmouth iceburg.
Luo ran into camp after we had set up camp for the night. He started looking through the supplies that we had gathered. He then ran over to the trees and one of them started to glow with a doorway. The meatboat came through the portal along with Zanvyn, Fulrigg, Oksana, the Jarl, and two other male villagers.
Oksana ran over to the supplies and started directing Fulrigg as for what to put into the meatboat. Zanvyn was controlling the meatboat.
Zanvyn started looking around the camp at the different items left. Skeld and Bronin asked him to look at the book and he said it’s a journal and he could translate it for him but it will take some time for him to do it.
Erfidi asked the Jarl and Zanvyn if they knew anything about the orb and Zanvyn said that he read something in the journal while he was flipping through it that said that they were sent here to do a job of some sort and the portal would reopen at the first snow so they could return home before winter.
We dug up the orb and took it with us.
We then showed her the Godsmouth and she said she hadn’t ever seen anything like that .
We packed up camp and headed to the grove for the night where we rested.
It took us two days to get everyone back to camp as she could only teleport half of our group at a time.
We teleported to a spot near the edge of the gnarlwood and spent a couple hours to get back to Greenmoot around noon.
When we got back, Oksana was buzzing around, directing everyone at tasks to get Greenmoot back up and running. Everyone seemed to have the knowledge of who she was at this point.
Skeld looked for his sister.
Mollie seemed to have made friends with Oksana and was buzzing around town with her.
Skeld sent messages to Eirikr and he said he hasn’t been able to send anything to us even though he has items to send us because the King isn’t willing to lift the restrictions on traveling to/from the boar clan.
We realized that the clan moudet is coming up in about 2 months when we could possibly get supplies without breaking any of the clan rules.
Skeld sent a message to crown prince Aldorf at Erfidi’s insistent urging:
“I’m Skeld of the Boar clan, my prince. Please don’t be alarmed. This is only a message. 25 words can be shared back in forth.”
No reply came so he tried sending this:
“I’m communicating to you because greenmoot has been destroyed in battle. We need building supplies. We can trade 5 masterwork plate armors and weapons“.
There was still no reply.
Finally he sent, “Winter is coming. We need to rebuild to survive. We are doomed without supplies to rebuild.”
Prince Aldorf responded “Be at the clan moudet.”
Erfidi spent the next month helping the Jarl around camp and training magic users for combat.
Sigurd spent the next month helping train people in martial skills.
Bronin spent the next month talking with Oksana and Zanvyn about magic and Oksana’s past lives. Oksana said that it seemed like her past lives have prepared her for this moment. She said that her first life was somewhere around 350 years ago and she obtained her runestone during that life. From the beginning of her life as Jokul, she felt like the runestone was telling her to come to the Boar clan and she eventually made her way here. She has been a farmer, a mayor of a small town, a fisherman, and many other different things giving her a varied amount of knowledge and skills.
Bronin asked about the small footprints that we saw in the camp of the Cobalt Crusade. Oksana said she had never been up there and she didn’t think Mollie had been gone long enough during her flying trips to have gotten up there.
DM Note: Zanvyn will have his book translation ready for the next session.
Bronin wanted to travel back to the Cobalt Crusade camp to use a potion to see who the footprints belonged to. We all traveled with him.
He meditated to see visions of the past where the footprints were and he saw:
- A figure walking up, it is one of the dragonborn in his armor. Right behind him are 6 more (including Thane and the robed guy). They’re carrying gear and equipment (the items we found in camp). They put their items down and start going in and out of view as they’re setting up camp.
- A large creature charges into view, it seems to be similar to the colossal crocodile that attacked Greenmoot. One of the crusaders comes out to fight it and is eventually swallowed whole.
- The equipment and camp have been set up more or less the way we found it. Two of the dragonborn are standing around kind of relaxed. Another seems to be carving something in a stick. At the edge of the vision, the robe dragonborn is writing in the book we found. All of a sudden one of the dragonborn snaps to attention and points off in the distance. After a few moments, the silk witch walks up to them. She’s looking down at the ground with her umbrella held behind her. The dragonborn that was whittling (the Thane), gets a toothy grin and looks over at the others. The one writing has closed his book. The thane puts down his block of wood and knife and says “A human has stumbled into our camp brothers, a bit scrawny though. I doubt she’d be more meat than one of the rats around here.” The silk witch replies, “Mind your tongue, Dragonborn, you are in the presence of a daughter of Orinos.” He replies “That is not possible, even if she was the longest lived of her time, any daughter of Orinos would have been dead millenia ago. But, I’ll give you a modicum of respect for having an interest in our history. Some of our kind would find the invocation of his name troubling. His life, which even his detractors would describe as legendary, dictated the cost of the things remaining in his wake. The cleaning up of his legacy occupies us even to this day (he indicates the lake). But, do not toy lightly with the past. For that (points again) is what we do to legends.” He leans back and waits. She turns to look directly at him and seems to be examining his face. She says “Your face is known to me, dragonborn. The horned crenelations upon your head. The scaled tendrils that sprout from your cheeks and the rough webbing stretched between them. I recognize these features. They have been passed to you. But once they sat upon the face of Rinevolt the sky splitter. I remember his great form, his wings eclipsing the very sun. I remember the black thunderheads that boiled at his heels, only daring to belch lightning where Rinevolt pointed. I remember being very small and huddling between my father’s dorsal spines as he ripped Rinevolt’s neck and cast it down among the stones in front of the other Chromatic elders.”
The face of the dragonborn changes at her words. He leans back and his jaw starts quivering. “It cannot be, it cannot be? How can you still be alive? And your sisters too.”
She responds, “My life is as of yours, dragonborn. It’s boundaries are but the footsteps of ghosts.”
He takes a few steps from her and offers his spear to her. “Items are made with the unused energy of the defeated, the leftover fumes.”
“Good, then you may keep them, and your lives and you may continue your life’s work.”
She looks back to the ground.
He says “The graves of your father’s allies do not concern you.”
“Their value was measured during their life times, in death they are nothing and the vermin that scurry amongst their bones are beneath notice. Tell any who are with you that the old rules still apply and my father’s legend is still being written.”
She turned and walked away. - Our arrival in camp…
He stopped meditating on the start of our arrival in camp.
While the potion was still active we went inside the iceberg and he meditated again;
- Korsca came in and out rambling in an unknown language at the dragon behind the ice as if it’s their best friend, but no response ever comes.
- The Thane came in and started chipping away at the ice about 20 minutes before we came in.
He meditated again while holding the orb.
- All of the dragonborn are standing around inside a room where the floors are polished onyx stone and painted walls with metal reinforcements running through it. Every metal beam and structured support is covered in glowing runes. They seem to be standing on an elevated platform of onyx and in front of them there seems to be almost an entire circle of metal reinforcements with the glowing runes. The one dragonborn in the robe is holding the orb and they all seem to be looking behind them at something out of sight, then turn back to look at the runes. The orb then changes, it lifts off the pedestal and begins to glow. The runes on the metal start to emanate light and a bunch of roiling clouds appear in the middle and they all walk through one by one. When the vision clears, they are standing on the edge of the lake. The orb then stops glowing and drops back onto the pedestal.
We headed back to Greenmoot.
We headed off at Balian’s request to check out the giant boar we had found in a cave before. Zanvyn went with us to see if he could read the runes embedded in his skin.
We went into the den and there was a circle of runes at the end of the tunnel into the den and the boar was covered in the runes and golden fur.
Zanvyn said he didn’t recognize the runes on the cave entrance or the Boar, he had not ever seen them before.
As Bronin came to stand beneath the runes in the cave entrance, his runestone began to glow. His brain was flooded with emotions, though not words. He got the feeling of a boon, something positive/beneficial.
As Skeld walked past the runed archway, nothing happens. His runestone did not light up.
Zanvyn casted detect magic on him and he said that he is entirely magical.
Erfidi touched the boar and he was very warm and she got a very good feeling. We tried rubbing it and patting him and talking to him, but he didn’t wake up.
Bronin touched his runestone to him, but there was no reaction.
We were never able to wake him up.
At some point during the next month, Balian’s ring pulsed once. (We learned that Pijack had it when we killed him so he got it back.)
Life in the boar clan was not its best, but we carried on.
One morning, Skeld woke up to the sounds of armor outside his hut. He messaged Sigurd who woke up inside Skeld’s shelter and said what? Erfidi was also inside the shelter and glared at Skeld when he messaged her.
We went around the longhouse and saw Jarl Agatha with Fulrigg and seven other people. (Four were wearing leather armor and gold armbands from the stag clan. The other three were wearing new boar clan armbands. The first was Skeld’s mother (in her 50s), second was Skeld’s brother, Weath the musician, the third was Skeld’s other brother, Herger the dour.
Erfidi hugged Embla.
Skeld asked what they are all doing here and Embla said they could do magic. It started less than a year ago and she tried to keep it hidden, but they found out. Gudrun came running up and punched Herger in the shoulder, hugged her mother and then walked away. Weath said everyone but Dad seems to be magical in the family.
Skeld messaged Edgtho, “Edgtho, Mom, Gudrun, Weath, and Herger have been discovered to be magical. We are all in the boar clan. Come by if you like. “
He replied, “Skeld, Take Care of them. She’s not going to let me… arrrghh….”
Weath said he knows musical magic. Herger said he knows how to wave his fingers and little sparks of light come out. Erfidi suggested Herger and Embla (sorcerers) could practice magic with her.
The stag guards also brought a scroll with the official invitation to the moudet. The Jarl said she was planning to bring us and Fulrigg.
Skeld sent to Edgtho, “WHO is she? Is it the Silk Bitch?!? Where are you?!“
No response came back.
He sent a message to the mind walker, “Milady, I apologize for what happened to you, we have a common enemy. let us focus on the silk witch than keep fighting each other.“
She responded, “We will see.“
Skeld told us that he had spoken to his brother, Edgtho, before and he was holed up with some dwarves. He just messaged him again and he said to take care of the family because she won’t let him come to us. He doesn’t know if this means the silk witch as he tried asking him and got no response.
Another month passed and we started preparing for travel to the moudet.
Sigurd worked with Fulrigg, training and learning from each other and teaching the clan.
Embla fit right in with the clan and formed a friendship with Oksana pretty quickly and helped with the cooking and more hospitality oriented tasks and getting everyone back to a semblance of normal life.
Erfidi spent some time over the month studying and practicing her spells to switch one of the cantrips that she kept readily available.
Herger got along with the weapons training, but otherwise he keeps to himself.
Weath seemed to make friends a little easier as he’s able to play music.
Balian’s ring pulsed one more time before the moudet.
Weath asked if Skeld was going to participate in the poetry competition at the moudet.
DM Note: Skeld has been challenged to a Viking poem
Erfidi asked Mollie to ask Grandfather about the visions Bronin had seen at the dragonborn camp.
Grandfather are you there:
Yes, Busy, Eating
Have you heard of Orinos:
Ancient, powerful deceased.
Do you know of his daughters:
Ancient, alive, three.
Is there any way to negotiate with them or will they always be enemies:
Hunters, drowners, thieves
Are the chromatic elders alive:
Forsaken, betrayed, murdered
Are any of these relations to you:
Grandfather, alone, forever
Can you tell me anything to help with the sisters if they come again, to be prepared:
Obedient, fun loving, insane
Is that descriptions of the three sisters, one for each:
Mollie, busy, eating
Next session will be the clan moudet!
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