As a group, we agreed to accept the DM’s offer and retconned the attack from Skeld on Prince Burr.

We told the Prince to go ahead and we would follow. Prince took off toward the southwest. We went toward the east, continuing to cover our tracks.

Scout from the west saw us and Grokthis shot him. Hunting party to the south lit a torch, hunting party toward the north lit a red torch.

Scout from the east was approaching and was going to run into us so Thorkatla killed him. He had a horn that Skeld took and some silver that Thorkatla took.

After the scout died, the hunting parties seemed to lose and were no longer keeping pace with us.

A new scout appeared to the East but seemed to be moving and dressed differently. We realized this was Cambrin, a man that I knew from the Stag clan (one of my father’s bodyguards. He is the only other half elf that I’m aware of living with the clans. My father was basically a father to him.)

We got close and spoke to him and he said that my father was suspicious of foul play at the clan moudet and was waiting for us in Tarantol and Cambrin will help us get through the wolf lines to get there.

We head south and basically get in line with the orange torch until it is north of us and continues going east past us and we’re able to make it to the city successfully.

Guards let us in through the portcullis. We enter the Diving Hawk Inn and Cambrin goes to get my father.

Cambrin comes back after 10 minutes with Dellog and my father (Eirikr).

My father says that he felt the wolf clan was up to something at the clan moudet so he tried to convince my brother to send parties to try to protect us, but the most he was able to get him to agree to was for my father and his three guards to come. (Virg has not come back from searching for us yet.)

He says that he has rooms for us for the night and we need to speak to the Drott in the morning. We all rest and get up in the morning and go down to get dinner.

Father’s guards have been guarding the lever that opens the gate. We climbed to the top of the wall and we can see about 200 wolf clan men outside the walls with the prince.

We go to meet the Drott (Guttfred Ilnirsson) and he looks to be in his 80s, very frail, going blind, hobbling. Comes in with a woman in noble dress (fine embroidery, obviously imported). She seems to be in her mid-50s. Her name is Bolla Lambidoter. Doesn’t seem to like us on sight. The Drott agrees to provide us protection as it is the king’s will.

He was unaware of the siege going on against the city and once we told him of it, he called for his captain of the guard.

Bronin and Grokthis go back to the inn to rest with Balian to watch them.

The rest of us go around the market and buy a new cloak and shirt and trousers for Mollie and then go look for Thorkatla’s aunt.

Skeld tried to parlay with the prince and the prince basically said that he wants to wipe out the Boar clan. He also implied that the King might have told him to come after us behind closed doors.

Captain Filsch leading the city guard defending the city.

Eventually they start to attack the city and bring a battering ram. Grokthis and I destroy it with magic. Skeld whispers in the prince’s ear to “leave them alone”

The Drott is upset that we used magic but says he’ll parlay with the prince because we didn’t hurt any of the wolf clan members, and only targeted the battering ram to protect the city. The prince actually tells the drott that if he protects us, he will die also. The drott comes back and actually seems to be a little on our side or at least second guessing the honorability of the prince. (Skeld followed him out invisible to listen. When he came back in he went to check out Thorkatla’s aunt’s house and found that a family is living there)

We go to sleep and take shifts watching from the rampart and the guard house. Mostly quiet night, during Skeld and Mollie’s watch, they see what seems to be a small child jump over the wall and go into a guard house. Skeld catches him and it’s a Halfling named Pijack Fairhopper who’s looking for mead. Says he got through the wolf clan outside because “he didn’t want them to see him so they didn’t.” Skeld tells him he can meet them after their shift at the tavern.

Pijack meets Skeld in the tavern and he has a keg that he’s filling a mug from. He tells Skeld he’s been all over including in the Halls of Blood and Oathstone (apparently they captured him and he was there until he didn’t want to be there anymore. He thought they were very grumpy). He’s been to the dwarven settlement that Balian is from.

While he was in the Halls of Blood, he saw that there was all kinds of upset going on. Crown Prince Aldorf was in angry discussions after receiving a message and was gathering his troops to come here.

Asked him if he had any associates in Oathstone. He knew the elves we fought. He doesn’t remember the princess’s name, but he remembers the handmaid, Desi.

We tried to get him to go to Laurelsong to take a message for us to the king, but he didn’t want to leave.

Mollie realizes that Pijack said that the princess was blonde so it’s possible the mindwalker is not the woman she killed (red-headed) who may have actually been the handmaid. (Mindwalker may still be out there and definitely would hold a grudge).