Skeld found one of the group alive and tried to get info from him. Learned that there are others after us tonight (sounds like many others)

We buried 12 of the men and set up the other 7 to look like it’s us sleeping and continued heading east.

Set up another camp (no fire).

Blitz attacked within the first hour (by 20 wolf clan members)
Killed them all – got 85 silver pieces (13 to Thorkatla, 12 to everyone else)

Went north east for a while with me shifting the earth around behind us to cover our tracks.

We got to the road and headed southeast to go toward the village of Tarentol.

Prince Burr came up behind us with his bodyguards and we called him over. He acted like a friend and said that he tried to figure out who the hunting parties were going after but they wouldn’t tell him and didn’t care that he was the prince. He then said he knew of some sink holes/caves that we could rest in for the night. We knew he was lying and Skeld attacked and pulled him off his horse.