Before helping the Bear clan with their slave revolt, we learned that Kaija – the Jarl’s Justice of the Boar clan who rides a mammoth – went south after the escaped slaves and caught 4 of them.

In the Bear slave quarters, the female elf seemed to have infested the mind of the Warden as he started undoing shackles and opening the doors.
There were 2 dwarves – caught up in the revolt (Helman or Heldig and Baelrog)
Elves have been staying in the slave quarters (go to the left to the fissure and the smith area; go straight and there’s a chamber where the overseer stayed and the slaves quarters)
Avoid the bunker

Mollie – Grandfather told her to never use the teleport spell (after the mindwalker forces her to use it, her fingertips blacken. Bronin remembers that this something similar to frostburn and should fade with time)

Slave said we would be cursed and taken by the silk witch – seems to be an old wives tale in the Bear clan – takes away magic users in their sleep.

After we cleared out the slave quarters, we visited Thorkatla’s mom in prison. She has been imprisoned for life.

If possible, we want to make a stop in Tarentol in the Wolf Clan – Thorkatla’s Aunt Ida lives there – Mom gave her a necklace to give to her and told her to tell her to stab her husband, worked for her

Thorkatla’s mom will be brought to the next clan mudet to be transferred to the Boar clan.

Beast Tamer of the Bear clan – Tulnan Tusksson. We left the three flying bear cubs with him to try taming. If he succeeds, he has agreed to send one of his choosing to us. (I requested that, if he would consider our preference, I would love to have Ursula, the female, as we bonded, but he would not guarantee that).

Gave 1 donkey and cart to the Tulnan and sold the other two donkeys and carts for 42 silver (14 to Skeld, 7 to everyone else except Thorkatla). We were concerned about trying to take them with us through rough terrain.

Jarl gave us 2 medicine kits

Ran into Prince Burr on the road through Wolf Clan territory with two guards. He recommended staying north as we pass through what’s called the Wolf Runs (long empty areas that can be populated with wolves). Prince Burr is known to be a pretty good guy, kind of a mama’s boy but also known for getting drunk and rowdy.

Attacked by a group of Wolf Clan warriors/scouts who refused to recognize the authority of the king. Killed them and got 72 gold (12 to Mollie and 10 to everyone else).